Low prices on the
Smith & Wesson Model 60 LadySmith .357 Magnum
start at Champion Firearms:
The World's First Stainless Steel Revolver. The Smith & Wesson Model 60 LadySmith is an all steel J- frame revolver and unlike its aluminum or polymer counterparts, was never originally designed for deep concealment or pocket carry. When first released back in 1965, most states prohibited concealed carry and the only pocket sized compacts were either .22 or .25 caliber mouse guns.
The Model 60 was revolutionary for its time by becoming the world's first successful stainless steel handgun. It was a compact, all weather alternative to the full size handguns of the era.
The Model 60 was equally at home as a self- defense, hiking, hunting, fishing, backpacking, undercover or duty back- up weapon. Gradually, the gun would evolve from being chambered in .38 Special+P to the more powerful .357 Magnum cartridge.
For almost half a century, the Model 60 has been a compact and powerful handgun that has filled a huge niche in the self- defense market. At over a pound lighter than the average full frame steel revolver, the gun has size and weight advantages that are immediately noticeable.
It is only about 1/2- pound heavier than most aluminum and plastic frame revolvers, therefore falling somewhere in between the full size and lightweight models. With the exception of its noticeably snappy recoil, the Model 60 actually handles and functions more like a miniature version of a Smith & Wesson full size combat magnum.
Instead of the brutal recoil seen on Scandium .357 revolvers, the extra weight and full length grip make it much more manageable. While rated for full power .357 Magnum loads, this revolver is also equally at home firing reduced recoil .38 Special loads.
For those that question the practicality of a revolver, keep in mind they don't jam- up, stovepipe, fail to feed or extract. Compared to semi-autos, revolvers are not only more reliable mechanically, but they are also more forgiving with operator error, and are much simpler to operate under stress.
With revolvers, there�s no chance of limp-wristing or creating a stoppage. There's no magazine to accidentally release and no slide movement to impair the action (if blocked, if ejected shells bounce back into the ejection port, etc.).
Loading and unloading are much easier, and accomplished by using gravity to drop rounds directly into the cylinder, versus the wrestling match new shooter's often experience attempting to push rounds into a magazine under spring tension. In addition, revolvers aren't picky about the types of ammo they fire.
When encountering misfires, rather than highly skilled clearance drills required to get a semi- auto back on line, revolvers only require that an operator squeeze the trigger again. More importantly, revolvers are capable of firing while remaining completely concealed.
Auto's require sufficient distance from objects like clothing to cycle properly. Yes, basic gun handling skills prevent some of the operator-induced mistakes that can cripple a semi-auto. However, these type of errors are practically non- existent on revolvers.
The Smith & Wesson Model 60 LadySmith has satin finish provide an overall pleasing appearance, while a solid forged stainless steel chassis ensures longevity. Shots can be fired in either traditional double action, or for greater precision, the slimline checkered hammer can be easily cocked back and fired using a crisp single action trigger pull.
Admittedly, the double action mode is a long, but the trigger remains smooth throughout and safe under all concealed carry conditions. The Model 60 is outfitted with a 2" barrel, has a low profile fixed U- notch type sight and weighs in at 21.2 ounces.
Notwithstanding its snub- nose barrel, the gun shoots remarkably straight. It has a beautiful rosewood grip that helps to maintain control when firing magnum loads, and the design is slim enough to comfortably carry on your hip.
Overall, the Smith & Wesson Model 60 LadySmith is an excellent choice for any shooter looking for an versatile, accurate, reliable and durable self defense handgun.
Established in 1993, Champion Firearms is a retail gun store and indoor range located in College Station, Texas. As a brick & mortar store, we pride ourselves on customer service, quality products and our competitive pricing. Each listing is an item we actively plan to stock. While not all of our inventory is listed, the items contained on our website represent some of the most popular products we carry. Our staff has worked hard and done their best to ensure the accuracy of every listing. In the event an error has been made, Champion Firearms asks your understanding while we make it right. From all of us here at Champion Firearms, thanks for visiting our store. For assistance, please do not hesitate to let us know what we can do to help: (979) 693-9948 or [email protected]
Exposed Hammer Design
Small "J- Frame" Size
Concealed Carry or Backup
Caliber: .357 Magnum / .38 Special+P
Cylinder Capacity: 5- Round
Finish: Stainless Steel
Barrel Length: 2"
Action: Traditional Double
Sights: Fixed Notch Rear, Black Blade Front Sight
Weight: 21.2 ozs.
Grips: Rosewood
Warranty: Lifetime
