Low prices on the
S&W 442 Ultimate Carry Tuned Action .38SPL
start at Champion Firearms:
Lightweight Personal Defense. The Smith & Wesson 442 Airweight is a hammerless revolver that reduces weight by way of an aluminum alloy frame. Chambered for the .38 Special cartridge, it has a five shot cylinder and barrel that are constructed out of stainless steel.
It is rated for +P ammunition, which makes it a handful when shooting more than a cylinder or two. But there�s no reason to shoot lots of hot, duty-type ammo through this small revolver. The gun's purpose is simple- it was designed to save your life in an emergency.
It is specifically geared toward the concealed carry market, an area where it has served with distinction for several decades. The 442 is lightweight, compact, easy to carry, easy to draw, easy to use and enjoys an excellent power-to-weight ratio. The Smith & Wesson Airweight is celebrated for its reliability, while remaining one of the best carry revolvers ever made.
For those that question the practicality of a revolver, keep in mind they don't jam- up, stovepipe, fail to feed or extract. Compared to semi-autos, revolvers are not only more reliable mechanically, but they are also more forgiving with operator error, and are much simpler to operate under stress.
With revolvers, there�s no chance of limp-wristing or creating a stoppage. There's no magazine to accidentally release and no slide movement to impair the action (if blocked, if ejected shells bounce back into the ejection port, etc.).
Loading and unloading are much easier, and accomplished by using gravity to drop rounds directly into the cylinder, versus the wrestling match new shooter's often experience attempting to push rounds into a magazine under spring tension. In addition, revolvers aren't picky about the types of ammo they fire.
When encountering misfires, rather than highly skilled clearance drills required to get a semi- auto back on line, revolvers only require that an operator squeeze the trigger again. More importantly, revolvers are capable of firing while remaining completely concealed.
Auto's require sufficient distance from objects like clothing to cycle properly. Yes, basic gun handling skills prevent some of the operator-induced mistakes that can cripple a semi-auto. However, these type of errors are practically non- existent on revolvers.
The Smith & Wesson 442 Airweight is outfitted with a 1.875" barrel and weighs in at just under 1- pound. Notwithstanding its snub- nose barrel, this revolver shoots remarkably straight.
It has a slip-resistant, custom rubber grip with wood inserts that help maintain control when firing. Moreover, the 442 is a snag- free hammerless double action only design.
Without a hammer spur, the sleeker profile provides a smooth draw from concealment and while re- holstering. It will also not collect lint or debris between the hammer and firing pin like traditional double action revolvers.
Although the Airweight sports a heavy double action trigger, it remains safe in all concealed carry conditions. Purists will be pleased to learn that the gun has no internal lock, something that has been common on S&W revolvers for some time now and has irritated many by its very presence.
Overall, the Smith & Wesson 442 is an excellent choice for anyone looking for an easily concealed, highly portable, lightweight, accurate, reliable and affordable self defense handgun.
Established in 1993, Champion Firearms is a retail gun store and indoor range located in College Station, Texas. As a brick & mortar store, we pride ourselves on customer service, quality products and our competitive pricing. Each listing is an item we actively plan to stock. While not all of our inventory is listed, the items contained on our website represent some of the most popular products we carry. Our staff has worked hard and done their best to ensure the accuracy of every listing. In the event an error has been made, Champion Firearms asks your understanding while we make it right. From all of us here at Champion Firearms, thanks for visiting our store. For assistance, please do not hesitate to let us know what we can do to help: (979) 693-9948 or [email protected]
Lightweight Aluminum Alloy Frame
Matte Black Barrel & Cylinder
Snag- Free Hammerless Design
Rated for +P Ammunition (high velocity)
Caliber: .38 Special+P
Capacity: 5- Round Barrel Length: 1.875"
Tuned Action: Double Only
Sights: XS- Front Night Sight
Weight: 15 ozs.
Grips: VZ G10
Warranty: Lifetime
