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Renewal Application:


Duration of Renewal License � is 5- years from the date of expiration.
Course & Shooting Test No Longer Required to Renew License� House Bill 48 (Effective September 1st, 2013) eliminates requirements to complete a course or demonstrate proficiency to renew a license. In other words, renewals are no longer required to take a class or shooting test.



Fingerprints or Photos � are NOT required, unless the DPS specifically requests a new set of prints. Requesting additional prints is actually rare, only reported in approximately 1% of renewals (where previously accepted prints are now deemed unreadable today).



Notification- the DPS will notify renewals 6- months before the license is set to expire 


Grace Period- renewals have 1- year after the license expires to complete the process either online, or via paper application


It is Your Responsibility- to renew your license directly with the DPS.
  • In other words, instructors are no longer included in the process due to the fact renewals are not required to take a class or shooting test.



Though Exempt- we still have a number of former students requesting a CHL class. Therefore, renewals may register and audit any one of our courses. 
Please Note- even though you may no longer be required to take a class, you are still required to pay the DPS a licensing fee and re- submit your application every 5- years to renew the license.



Reduction of Fees and License Appearance for Veterans- House Bill 485 (Effective September 1st, 2013) reduces both renewal and new applicant fee for veterans to $25. Senate Bill 164 (Effective September 1st, 2013) authorizes the DPS to print "Veteran" on the concealed handgun license.