You are here:Home > Classes > The Shooting Test (Video)
*This video is the identical shooting test that will be given during the CHL course. It was filmed to help every student safely understand and then prepare for range qualification. Please take the time to review our "Safety Guidelines" together with the Shooting Test video.
Breakdown of the Shooting Test: 



Number of Stages

Shots Per Stage

Time Limit Per Stage


9- feet



2- seconds


9- feet



3- seconds


9- feet



10- seconds


21- feet



10- seconds


21- feet


2 / 3

4 / 6


21- feet



3- seconds


21- feet



15- seconds


45- feet


2 / 3

6 / 9- seconds


45- feet



15- seconds

  View Important Safety Guidelines:
* Safety is our #1 priority...please make it yours!




simply denotes the fact that you will load your handgun and fire a pre- determined number of shots:

  • Since the shooting test is composed of 9- separate "Exercises", this means you will load your handgun nine different times and fire the exact number of shots listed above
  • Every "Exercise" will be announced & confirmed before we begin


can be viewed as a sub- category component of the exercise. The primary fuction of a "Stage" is to define pre- determined, timed stopping points during an "Exercise".

  • Each "Stage" will begin with a "Fire" command and end with a "Stop" command.
  • For example, a "One- Stage, 5- Shot Exercise" means you will take all five shots once the command has been given to "Fire". In other words, you will carefully take all five shots untl empty, or the time has elapsed. To signify time has expired, the stage will end with a verbal "Stop" command.
  • Conversely, firing a "Five- Stage, 1- Shot Exercise" means that you will fire exactly 1- round per command, five separate times-- in other words, a stage here signifies there will be 5- distinct stopping points throughout the exercise.

General Information for the Shooting Test:


Ammo Requirements- the shooting test requires a total of 50- rounds. By State rules, the use of reloaded ammunition is prohibited during the shooting test.


Grading- each shot counts for a maximum of 5- points. Therefore, 50- rounds multiplied by a 5- point max, equals 250- points total possible on the shooting test.
  • The shooting test is graded on a �pass / fail� basis. By percentage, a 70% score is required to pass (175- points or more), where anything less is considered to be a �failing� grade (see �B-27 Target" & scoring at bottom of this page).
  • Please Note: this does not mean that you are only required to hit the target 70% of the time to pass. Rather, your overall percentage of total points scored must add up to 70% or higher (175 or more points)
  • Every student will be given a maximum of three attempts to pass the test in any given 24- hour period. Otherwise, a student must return another day to try again. However, among the 15,000+ students that we've certified over the years, this has never happened.



Caliber Minimums- for a semi- auto handgun is .32 or above, where the minimum caliber for a revolver is .38 or above.


Types of Handguns- Effective Immediately (House Bill 3142, passed in 2013):
  • The category requirement is no longer in effect. In other words, ALL concealed handgun licenses will be issued as "Category: SA" (Semi Auto), regardless of whether a semi- auto or revolver was used during the shooting range test.
  • As such, all CHL holders will be allowed to carry any legal handgun (including a semi- auto) even if they qualified with a revolver during the shooting test.



Artificial Aiming Devices- such as laser sights are strictly prohibited during the shooting test.


Loading Your Magazine- if you need any form of assistance, please do not hesitate to ask-- we're here to help. As long as you can start loading the first few rounds, the rules allow us to help you finish loading your magazine. Technically, about the only thing we're not allowed to do is shoot for you.
  • For those with disabilities, special needs or injuries, this also includes providing a chair so you can rest between shooting exercises. Moreover, our range is 100% ADA compliant. Again, please let us know what we can do to help.



Pregnant or Nursing Ladies- should refrain from all shooting activities.



Testing Protocols:

Reasons for Failure-
  • Firing More Shots than Instructed
  • Firing Before Instructed to Shoot
  • Marksmanship Minimum Not Met: i.e. did not score 175 or more points
  • Unsafe Conduct


Dropped Points- any missed shots or shots that were fired after the �Stop� command had been given will be deducted from your score at the time of grading (5- points / each dropped shot)
  • As in real life, if you experience a jam or malfunction with your handgun, safely clear it and finish the exercise.
  • It is always good to have a basic understanding of malfunction clearance techniques going into the test. It is worth noting that malfunctions are fairly common on automatic pistols.
  • Interestingly, we have never documented a revolver malfunction on the shooting test.


The B-27 Range Target:


5- Points: will be awarded every shot placed inside the 8- ring (2nd-to-last outside elliptical circle).

4- Points: will be awarded to every shot place in the 7- ring (between last & 2nd-to-last elliptical circle).

3- Points: will be awarded to every shot placed outside the 7- ring (last elliptical circle), but still registering anywhere on the blue silhouette.

0- Points: will be assigned to all missed shots, whether due to malfunction or failing to register target hits.

  CHL Study Guide